Monday, April 26, 2010
~Mi Pequeña Amor ~
And I shuffle my way
Into the kitchen, longing for
The melodious call that
Sings of the coffee maker’s drip.
The innocent Spanish rhetoric
Drifting through the otherwise
Silent bedroom speaks of your still
Sweetly slumbering growth.
As the last drop of cream laden, sugary
Descends from my still steaming cup
I hear your tiny voice calling for me.
With a sharp creak of the decades old hinges,
I step into your presence
Joy-pure and untainted beams-across your sweet face
Your brilliant eyes connecting with mine,
You call my name in rapid repetition
As I lift your petite, Johnson’s smooth person
From the cherry wood crib.
Cleansing the soil from you,
I change your Sesame Street Pamper
And adjust your one of many
Dora! pajamas
While you ripple with laughter
In vain, attempt to wiggle to freedom.
The excitement and love
That flows in invisible waves
Crashes over me
Every single day.
The hours flow freely
While I increase the number of
Tools to cultivate
Your life.
A life that someday
I will no longer witness
From this Earth.
How great the impact
We have on one another
We have taught each other
You and I
The old
And the new.
~Shawn N. Jones
Friday, April 2, 2010
Poetry of Hands
As they are forever bent
In the constant state
Of a subservient life.
The veins strain through
The weathered skin
As if trying to escape
Their vigorous pumping.
Like the well
That water has been drawn
So have these phalanges
Been the primary source.
Great the number
That have benefitted
The difference they have made
To many
Or to some.
The lives they have molded-
Shaped into being
The impact
Ever unseeing
Who will ever know
What these hands have done
Will it have been all for nothing
It was all for the glory
Of His only begotten Son.
Brain Triggers
A crisp-linen laden waft of essential oxygen breezes into my double hung and I am swept away on a soothing cloud of memories. With my eyes wide open I am transported to a time twenty years the younger, in the midst of an expansive Kelly green, cashmere carpet of discards from a revered John Deere. The subtle chugging in the oh-so-near distance gives promise of a harmonious tune between the dueling snapping linen and propelled blades into the drifting breeze.
The referee stands tall and broad amongst the puffed white and baby blue backdrop in all of her lilac glory. Her heart-shaped face bursting in the bright warmth of the late morning fire ball, brewing a fairly innocent bouquet of heaven amongst the Earth.
Across the flat, desolate expanse of dissecting asphalt, a dull, metastasized International Harvester drones along a furrowed path, spouting fetid puffs of diesel fumes. Putrid remnants of wasted laughing gas from a once steaming pile ensconced within the barn assault my senses. The decaying grass, the leftovers of their once lush dining experience invigorates the black swamp clay. In a long listed process providing sustenance to many and more importantly, my gnarling stomach.
The fragrantly filled breeze transports yet another obscure miracle to my proboscis that wrenches my heart, nearly bringing forth sorrowful lachrymation. The rancid sulfur drenching a regular that patrons the shingle my Mother has hung, dissolving the securely wrapped tissue encasing their tresses wound about the rod of my Mother’s trade. Unappealing to most, the rank--somewhat distasteful—is alluring to me like no other. It draws me back into a swirling burst of emotions that are rather elapsed in order to facilitate procedures of stifling pain.